Many parts are still available for discontinued models of antennas and rotators.  Some of the manuals may be requested, and some may not.  Google and other search engines may find some that we do not have.  These can go back to 1950.

If you have the manual, locate the part number of the part that you are looking for.  If you don't find it in the parts listing, try finding it in one of the illustrations shown in the manual.  The figure containing the part gives an item number which should be found in the parts listing.

MFJ is installing a new website, and parts may or may not be listed.  If you don't see yours, call MFJ directly for Hy-gain and Cushcraft models at 662-323-9538.

If you do not find your exact part, newer versions may have replaced it.  For example, the TH3IV parts are mostly the same as the earlier TH3I, II, and III.  The beta match is different.

Cushcraft R6000 contains most of the same parts as the R7, R5, R4, etc.  A4 is almost the same as the ATB-34, except for the traps.

CD45, Ham IV and T2X contain most of the parts for previous rotator models including Ham M, CD44, Ham II and III.

Crank up tower parts are unavailable except for the ground base.  The base and tower blueprint plans and manuals are available by request.

Raw tubing, brackets, insulators, wire and other hardware are available